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A significant quantity of credible and positive experimental studies for homeopathy at molecular, cellular and clinical levels are presented below for the serious researcher. The research papers are categorised into three groups which the reader may view separately using the hyperlinks (in brackets): Human Studies, Animal Studies and In VitroStudies.

These papers have been rigorously researched and produced by medical scientists, and have been approved and published in internationally-recognised, highly-respected Journals or other approved scientific sources of research material.

Below the Author(s)/Journal/Notes/Abstract insertions there is a hyperlink to the external URL of the research document’s webpage. There are also convenient Search facilities (left-hand side) if the reader wishes to search for particular Authors, Articles or Journals.


Migraine in an Adolescent with a Pineal Cyst Treated with Classical Individualized Homeopathy: A Case Report
Association between Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States: A Case-Control Study
Homeopathic Manganum in the Management of Post Dural Puncture Headache, A Case Series
Efficacy of homoeopathic treatment: Systematic review of meta-analyses of randomised placebo-controlled homoeopathy trials for any indication
Fever and the Ageing Immune system, A Review
COVID-19 cases treated with classical homeopathy: a retrospective analysis of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy database
The role of multiple sclerosis therapies on the dynamic of human gut microbiota
A Case of Infective Endocarditis Treated With Homeopathy Medicine
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Managed with Classical Homeopathy: A Case Report
Venous ulcer and stasis dermatitis treated with classical homoeopathy: A case series
Syringomyelia Managed with Classical Homeopathy, A Case Report
Management of post-intubation subglottic stenosis with individualised homoeopathic therapy: A case report
Case history: Individualized homeopathy and severe chronic idiopathic neutropenia (SCN)
Explanatory models for homeopathy: from the vital force to the current paradigm
Serious mistakes in meta-analysis of homeopathic research
A Study of Siberia’s Medicinal Plants Used in Homeopathy
Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with abiotically stressed plants
Clinic case of an animal’s companionship (dog)
The effect of individualized homeopathic treatment on the semen quality of bulls with reproductive disorders: A case series
Wound healing disorder in a horse, associated with antimicrobial resistant bacteria, resolved with a homeopathic medicine – a case report
Effects of Gelsemium sempervirens L. on pathway-focused gene expression profiling in neuronal cells
Effects of Extreme Dilutions of Apis mellifica Preparations on Gene Expression Profiles of Human Cells
Improvements in long standing cardiac pathologies by individualized homeopathic remedies: A case series.
Levels of Health Theory With the Example of a Case of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis