
A resume of George Vithoulkas’ ideas on a New Model for Health and Disease

In the Vithoulkas A New Model for Health and Disease there is a preliminary effort for stipulating the principles underlying the functioning of a very complex biological system such as is the Human Being.

A resume of George Vithoulkas’ ideas on a New Model for Health and Disease

Available translation 

In the Vithoulkas A New Model for Health and Disease there is a preliminary effort for stipulating the principles underlying the functioning of a very complex biological system such as is the Human Being.

The necessity for a New Model is based on two assumptions:

1. That unless we understand the functioning of the human organism in its subtle levels we cannot hope to unravel the laws and principles governing human intelligence, human emotionality and the human physical body as well as their interconnection and interdependence.

2. That such universal laws should be searched for in an area far beyond the physico-chemical structure of the human body – this area, this realm that can be called a substratum of subtle formulative energies.

As there is no possibility to understand the real nature of these energies, or their origin, at least at this time in history, we can examine the phenomenological nature of the Model and try to understand its underlying principles.

Epigrammatically I could say that the time for an Energy Medicine has arrived.

The research into such a subject is not only necessary for a better understanding of the functioning of the human being in all its dimensions concerning its health and disease, but is of vital importance for the very survival of the human race.

At present, medicine principally, but other sectors as well, are drastically interfering with the mechanisms of the physical body, with untold consequences for the future health of the human race. The development of myriads of degenerative chronic diseases with the culmination in the manifestation of AIDS, which was helped (according to the author’s understanding) in its emergence by a wrong kind of interference in to the immune system, (antibiotics for venereal diseases) is a token that health matters are developing in the wrong direction. The understanding therefore of such laws should be of primary concern not only for medical students but also for all scientists.

Here is a small summary of the principles that would need of course a volume for each to be expanded upon:

The human body is an energy complex that generates all forms of known energies but beyond that is sustained by subtle formulative energies that tend to bring about optimum coherence and maintain equilibrium, harmony, and homeostasis.

These subtle energies are animating the spiritual-mental, the psychic-emotional, and the physical planes. Each plane has its own vibrational frequency and is constituted of multiple complex fields structured in a hierarchical way.

On the whole, the human being can exist and cope with the environment through his capacity to exchange energies with it. Information between the individual and his environment is communicated principally through the smallest particle-energy bodies that have not been defined yet.

The most important information for our well being, for instance, we receive during sleep, where a process of clearing up, of putting in order is going on all the time.

For all these “subtle energy” activities there is a substratum which has been recognised from time immemorial called at different times with different names, like, for example, prana, bioplasma, orgon, etc., etc.

Every human being from its time of conception has to be understood as a very complex energy unit with the potential to either evolve (become more coherent in its structural patterns) or degenerate (become more chaotic).

Such evolution or degeneration comes through external and internal stimuli, which are nothing else, but information towards which the organism is susceptible.

For the specific organism a stimuli can have a negative effect (promoting degeneration) or positive effect (promoting evolution).

The power of the stimulus is directly proportional to the organism’s degree of susceptibility (depending on hereditary complexes, inappropriate treatments received during its life time and present external circumstances.)

Under such stimulation the organism may take a quantum jump to a new state of health.

The relatively healthy individual is at all times in a state of ”hesitant balance” of ”unpredictability” as to its future state. Any change, positive or negative, will depend on the organism’s offered resistance in conjunction with the quality and intensity of the stimulus, (information) that it receives.

A disease (process of degeneration) will only take place if the vibrational frequencies of the stimulus (disease producing agent) and the organism (predispositions) coincide.

Diseases are nothing else but the activation of the existing predispositions.

The organism is possessed with a complex defence mechanism operating on an energy level.

The organism under stress will manifest signs and symptoms as the end result of its defences and it does this in order to keep maximum coherence, maximum order, protecting the organism from going into a state of absolute entropy (death).

Therefore signs and symptom are useful phenomena, which are helping the organism to recover from a stressful state. They should not be interfered with unwisely.

They should rather be promoted, enhanced, and encouraged than suppressed.

The symptomatology is unique for every individual who is under a particular stress.

If substances could imitate processes of diseases, then exactly these substances should be used to enhance the reaction of the organism brought about by its defences.

Such a process would use the idea of ”similars” and we see it today applied in therapeutics through Homeopathy.

Such an application could not be considered as an arbitrary interference in the mechanisms of the organism as it respects the intelligent reaction of the very organism.

The indicated remedy in this case is nothing else but the much needed information on a subtle energy level that promotes coherence within the organism in its most pure form.

The answer to an “energised medicine” will come from the theory of “small clusters ” in physics, as the process of constant dilution and potentisation of the homeopathic remedy coincides with the findings in small clusters.

The more evolved an individual is, the more organised are his psyche-emotional and mental-spiritual planes.

Changes in consciousness are not linear either but appear always as quantum jumps tending- if positive- to bring the individual closer in to a state of “Teleosis”, spiritual perfection, with an enhanced capacity for synthesis, while if negative, these bring the individual closer to a state of aposynthesis and allow him to succumb to the law of entropy.

Generation or degeneration can take place independently on the different planes. While for instance the physical body may be degenerating, the mental- spiritual plane may be evolving at the same time or vice versa.

If this theoretical assumption is correct then the same quantum changes in collective consciousness are taking place.

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