A collection of important and thought-provoking scientific papers by Prof George Vithoulkas published in various online platforms and peer-reviewed scientific and/or medical journals.
Neuere homöopathische Lehren:Fehlinterpretationen des Organons, Von George Vithoulkas, Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Dr. Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Marburg
Both the patient’s disposition and his mental symptoms are essential for a correct homeopathic treatment.
Read moreThe question of the “constitutional” remedy
The question whether a constitutional remedy exists for every individual was raised quite early on in the homeopathic…
Read moreThe necessity for an inner Preparation of the Classical Homeopath
A lecture given at the end of the four year course in the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy…
Read moreHomeopathy: Art or Science ?, European Journal of Classical Homeopathy, 1995, Vol.1
The rejuvenation and renaissance of Homeopathy that we have been witnessing over the past twenty years seems lately…
Read moreTechniques for Successful Repertorization
One could say that solving a homeopathic case is easy in theory. One has only to choose the…
Read moreIs Hahnemannian Homeopathy doomed to go in to oblivion again?
The rejuvenation and renaissance of Homeopathy that we have been witnessing over the past thirty years seems lately…
Read moreEuthanasia and Homeopathy
A problem that concerns everyone and which is a worldwide conversation topic. Whether euthanasia is ethically right is…
Read moreAIDS : The real cause (submitted to Sunday Times)
This paper was submitted to the “Sunday Times” on the occasion of dispute with Duesberg in 1989 but…
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