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A significant quantity of credible and positive experimental studies for homeopathy at molecular, cellular and clinical levels are presented below for the serious researcher. The research papers are categorised into three groups which the reader may view separately using the hyperlinks (in brackets): Human Studies, Animal Studies and In VitroStudies.

These papers have been rigorously researched and produced by medical scientists, and have been approved and published in internationally-recognised, highly-respected Journals or other approved scientific sources of research material.

Below the Author(s)/Journal/Notes/Abstract insertions there is a hyperlink to the external URL of the research document’s webpage. There are also convenient Search facilities (left-hand side) if the reader wishes to search for particular Authors, Articles or Journals.


Organ-preserving treatment of an epididymal abscess in a patient with spinal cord injury
Individualized homeopathic treatment and fluoxetine for moderate to severe depression in peri- and postmenopausal women (HOMDEP-MENOP study): A randomized, double-dummy, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Additional benefits of homeopathy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial
A Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Randomized Trial with Individualized Homeopathic Treatment Using a Symptom Cluster Approach in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome.
An Exploratory Study of Autonomic Function Investigations in Hemophiliacs on Homoeopathy Medications Using Impedance Plethysmography
Deep vein thrombosis cured by homeopathy: A case report
Individualized homeopathic treatment in addition to conventional treatment in type II diabetic patients in Hong Kong – a retrospective cohort study
Homeopathic treatment for prolonged postoperative coma: a case report.
Homeopathic therapy in pediatric atopic diseases: short- and long-term results
Homeopathy for Perennial Asthma in Adolescents: Pilot Feasibility Study Testing a Randomised Withdrawal Design
Chronic primary insomnia: Efficacy of homeopathic simillimum
Individualized Homeopathy Reduces Symptoms of Chronic Chikungunya in Haiti: A Pilot Data-Collection Project
Complementary individual homeopathy in paediatric cancer care: A case series from a University Hospital, Switzerland.
Case reports of acne and homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment in addition to standard care in multi drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial
Efficacy of homeopathic intervention in subclinical hypothyroidism with or without autoimmune thyroiditis in children: an exploratory randomized control study
Management of distress during climacteric years by homeopathic therapy
A comparative consecutive case series of 20 children with a diagnosis of ADHD receiving homeopathic treatment, compared with 10 children receiving usual care
Homeopathic drug therapy Homeopathy in Chikungunya Fever and Post-Chikungunya Chronic Arthritis: An observational study
Randomized controlled pilot study to compare homeopathy and conventional therapy in acute otitis media
Interim results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
Individualized Treatment of Bone Marrow Edema of the Knee With the Aid of Classical Homeopathy: A Report of 2 Cases
Heterotopic ossification in a 7‐year‐old female patient treated with individualized homeopathy: A case report
Individualised Homeopathic Therapy in ANCA Negative Rapidly Progressive Necrotising Crescentic Glomerulonephritis with Severe Renal Insufficiency – A Case Report
Psoriasis cases of same diagnosis but different phenotypes—Management through individualized homeopathic therapy