Positive Research

Psoriasis and Homeopathy




The Romanian Academy, Series B, 2011, 3, p. 237–242


Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder which may affect the skin, nails and joints. It is fairly common and affects individuals of all ages. It frequently manifests in the skin overlying the joint, elbow and lumbosacral areas. Lesions may be brought on by trauma also (the Koebner phenomenon). There are periods of quiescence of varying length, when the disease is in apparent remission and periods of flare. Psoriasis is associated with a number of comorbid conditions such as cardiovascular disease, uncomplicated diabetes, hepatitis B and C, renal failure, asthma and peptic ulcers. A number of treatment modalities exist for psoriasis, including topical and systemic treatments and new modalities continue to appear, all with varying effects and also with risks of complications. Four cases of psoriasis (generalised, scalp and nail involvement) treated homeopathically are presented.

psoriasis; inflammatory skin disorder; stress responders.

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