Materia Medica

Spigelia anthelmia – Allen

Spigelia anthelmia


Adapted to anaemic debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis; to scrofulous children afflicted, with ascarides and lumbrici (Cina, Stan.).

Persons with light hair; pale, thin, bloated, weak; wrinkled, yellow, earthy skin.

Body painfully SENSITIVE TO TOUCH; PART TOUCHED FEELS CHILLY; touch sends shudder through the whole frame (Kali c.).

Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Rheumatic affections of heart (Kali, Led., Naja); systolic blowing at apex. Aneurism.

Nervous headache; periodical, beginning in morning at base of brain, spreading over the head and locating in eye, orbit at temple of left side (right side, Sang., Sil.) ; pain pulsating, violent, throbbing.

Headache; at sunrise, at its height at noon, declines till sunset (Nat. m., Tab.).

INTOLERABLE PRESSIVE PAIN IN EYEBALLS; could not turn the eyes without turning the whole body; worse, especially on making a false step.

Sensation: as if eyes were too large for the orbits (Act., Com.) ; SENSITIVE TO TOUCH; as if a band around head (Cac, Carb. ac, Sulph.).

Copious offensive mucus from posterior nares, drops into throat, causing choking at night ( Hydr.).

Sharp, stabbing, sticking pains through eyeballs back into the head; FROM COLD, DAMP, RAINY WEATHER.

Prosopalgia: periodical, left-sided, orbit, eye, malar bone, teeth; FROM MORNING UNTIL SUNSET; pain tearing, burning, cheek dark red; during COLD, RAINY WEATHER; from tea.

Toothache from TOBACCO SMOKING; > only on lying down and WHILE EATING (Plan.); worse from cold air and water; returns from thinking about it. Scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum, atrocious unbearable pain (Alumen).

Dyspnoea: must lie on right side or with head high (Cac, Spong.); pains in chest are stitching, needle-like.

Chest affections with stitching pains synchronous with pulse, < from motion, < cold, wet weather.

Palpitation: VIOLENT, VISIBLE and AUDIBLE; from least motion; when bending forward; systolic blowing at apex.

Stammering, repeats first syllable three or four times; with abdominal ailments; with helminthiasis.


Compare: Acon., Ars., Cact., Dig., Kali c, Naja, Kal., Spong., in heart affections.


From motion, noise, touch, turning the eyes; FROM EVERY SHAKING, COMMOTION, OR CONCUSSION.


Lying on right side with the head high (Ars., Cac, Spong.).