Materia Medica

Seminar in Classical Homeopathy, Cairo, Egypt, January 2018



Seminar in Classical Homeopathy, Cairo, Egypt, January 2018

” Vithoulkas’s strategies in Acute And Chronic Diseases” was the title of the seminar held in Cairo, Egypt, on January 20th 21st and 22nd 2018 organized by the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy and the Representative of IACH in Egypt, Mrs Samah Ghoniem.

Dr. Atul Jaggi explained Prof. Vithoulkas’ strategies in detail, and presented several cases showing how these strategies can be followed for best results.

A life case was presented to put theories into real action.

Dr. Latika Jaggi presented the Vithoulkas Compass, the advanced expert system, which is one of the well known repertory programs revised by Prof. Vithoulkas and a team of homeopaths, includes the well proven remedies, differential analysis and a collection of online Materia Medica books, invaluable George Vithoulkas’ notes and videos for best results. 

On the third day Prof. Vithoulkas answered the participants’ questions and talked to the participants through a conference call.

Although the participants were from different schools of homeopathy, as well as E-Learning Course students, everybody reported that the methods and strategies are scientific and straightforward and arrive to the simillimum remedy.