Materia Medica

Agaricus muscarius – Nash

Agaricus muscarius


Ears, face, nose and skin in general, red and itch as if from CHILBLAINS.


Twitching in eyelids (especially), face, extremities, even choreaic jerkings, which cease during sleep.


Spinal column painful and sensitive to touch, aching extending into the lower limbs.


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AGARICUS has some very characteristic skin symptoms. “EARS, FACE, NOSE, TOES AND SKIN IN GENERAL ARE AFFECTED WITH A REDNESS, ITCHING AND BURNING AS IF FROM BEING FROZEN.” This is a very valuable symptom and may lead to the choice of this drug in many very different diseases. I have used the remedy a good many years with very gratifying results for CHILBLAINS. I always use it internally in the 200th. It is also a remedy of first importance for TWITCHINGS, from simple twitching IN FACE, EYELIDS (especially) and EXTREMITIES, TO SEVERE CASES OF CHOREA. In the latter disease the twitchings cease during sleep. Again it has been found useful in spinal irritation. The symptoms indicating it here are best given in Allen’s ENCYCLOPEDIA. No doubt this remedy has been over-proven, and as a consequence many of its recorded symptoms are unreliable. The best work that can be done with it now is to separate them, if possible, “proving all things and holding fast that which is true.”