Materia Medica

Theridion curassavicum – Allen

Theridion curassavicum



Time passes too quickly (too slowly, Arg. n., Cannabis indica., Nux m.).


Vertigo: on closing the eyes (Lach., Thuja—on opening them, Tab.; on looking upward, Puis., Sil.) ; from any, even least, noise; aural or labyrinthine (Meniere’s disease).


Nausea: from least motion, and ESPECIALLY ON CLOSING THE EYES; from fast riding in a carriage.


Headache: when beginning to move, as of a dull heavy pressure behind the eye; violent, deep, in the brain; < lying down (Lach.); very much < from others walking on the floor, or from least motion of head.


Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo.


Chronic nasal catarrh; discharge thick, yellow, green ish, offensive (Puls., Thuja).


Toothache; EVERY SHRILL SOUND penetrates the teeth.


Seasickness of nervous women; THEY CLOSE THEIR EYES to get rid of the motion of the vessel and grow deathly sick.


Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to neck (Anis., Myr., Pix, Sulph.).


Pains in the bones all over, as if broken.


Great sensitiveness between vertebrae, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against spine (Chin. s.) ; < by least noise and jar of foot on floor.


FOR EXTREME NERVOUS SENSITIVENESS; of puberty, during pregnancy and climacteric years.


“In rachitis, caries, necrosis, it apparently goes to the root of the evil and destroys the cause.”—DR. BARUCH.


Phthisis florida, often effects a cure if given in the early stages of disease.


In scrofulosis where the best chosen remedies fail to relieve.




Follows well after, Cal. and Lyc.