Materia Medica

Ranunculus bulbosus – Allen

Ranunculus bulbosus



One of our most effective remedies for THE BAD EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; spasmodic hiccough; delirium tremens.


Day blindness; mist before eyes; pressure and smarting in eyeballs (Phos.).


Muscular pains about margins of shoulder blades in women of sedentary employment, often burning in small spots (Agar., Phos.) ; from needlework, type-writing, piano playing (Act.).


Pains: STITCHES, SHARP, SHOOTING, NEURALGIC, MYALGIC OR RHEUMATIC IN WALLS OF CHEST, coming in paroxysms; excited or brought on by atmospheric changes; inflammatory; depending upon spinal irritation (Agar.).


Pleurisy or pneumonia from sudden exposure to cold, while overheated, or VICE-VERSA (Acon., Arn.).


Corns sensitive to touch, smart, burn (Salic. ac).


Intercostal rheumatism; chest sore, bruised < from touch, motion or turning the body (Bry.); in wet, stormy weather (Rhus).


Shingles: preceded or followed by intercostal neuralgia (Mez.) ; vesicles may have a bluish appearance.




Compare: Acon., Am., Bry., Clem., Euphorb., Mez.


Incompatible: with Sulph. and Staph.




Contact; motion: atmospheric changes, especially, wet stormy weather (Rhus).