Positive Research

Case reports-homeopathy: Chronic tonsillitis, restore first symptoms of mental and physical subsequently


Jesus Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma, Ruvalcaba Cobian Jesus Carlos, Monroy Pelcastre Jesus


International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmac, 2017, 8(2):296-299 DOI:10.7897/2277-4343.082130


Homeopathy is a type of medicine, which is based on the law of similar and looking for healing or restoration of health from the beginning, in the totality of symptoms.

Describe the effect of a homeopathic treatment in a case of chronic tonsillitis, first restoring mind then the body from the first principle of Orthodox Mental than physical. Methodology: A case study was conducted in a young 20 years old male. performed in a patient who had in his physical plane cryptic chronic tonsillitis characterized by an ongoing inflammatory process and a half year course, with fast evolution, with no history inherit-family for this condition, said to have suffered often from respiratory diseases, showed no temperature, bone pain, with crypts filled with pus-scented ricotta spoiled, foul, apparently an infection with Candida albicans, aphasia pain, pale, serious, Sad it shows, depressed and treatment based on the prioritization of mental.

It was found that significantly decreased the inflammatory process, healing crypts amygdales in tongue cleaning and improvement in their emotional state. Discussion: In this case the “law of similars, the individuality of the person and especially the orthodox principle that is essential to treat mental, emotional and not let go to guide their homeopathic prescription for physical symptoms.

Homeopathy is a type of medicine is well accepted including use, results, quality of care, interrogation and confidence in the treatment and positive effect in this case considering emotional-mental state.

Homeopathic Medicine, Interrogatory, Orthodox, Emotional-Mental, Treatment

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